The Esthetician Business Private Community

For the Esthetician wanting to work less and make more money, take time off for the things you love and grow in to a store front!



What you'll get in your private monthly membership:

  • Weekly LIVE calls with Nichole and your peers for an entire year
  • Action items to grow your business fast
  • Accountability to keep you on track to 6 and 7 figures
  • Systems so you can make more money and work less
  • Free monthly guest pass, bring a friend and support their business growth 
  • Clear process so you waste less time and money than trying to "figure it out" on your own 
  • No contracts cancel any time, seriously!

Needing some 1:1 attention? Choose our VIP membership, In VIP you'll get all of the benefits of our private community PLUS a once monthly 1:1 zoom call with Nichole to help set business goals, track success and keep you accountable. 



(I have no doubt you're going to love this community and that if you show up your business will grow the fastest it ever has! But If for any reason you decide you no longer are wanting to be part of our community just e-mail us. You can cancel your membership at any time without being billed for the following month!)

**By becoming part of our community you agree not to be a business coach for any other beauty related brands including your own for the duration of your membership plus 2 years**

What People Are Saying:

I'm so honored to be a part of it, because it has made such a difference in my business's growth and success. Nichole genuinely cares about my business and I'm so honored to have her as my mentor

Mia Chan- Owner Belle Arte

Thank you so much for all your help and advice! Beauty Babe Business Academy is really working, just gotta put in the work! Wouldn't be where I'm at without your help.

Sierra Edwards- Owner Sisi Esthetics

$97.00 USD Monthly Investment

30 day trial
Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Needing some 1:1 attention? Upgrade to our VIP membership. In VIP you'll get all of the benefits of our private community PLUS a once monthly 1:1 zoom call with Nichole to help set business goals, track success and keep you accountable.